ft. Quest
Dog Training on Long Island
One-To-One In-Home Help
Dog Training That’s Effective
Our dog training sessions are private one-on-one sessions with the trainer. Sessions are individually designed for both you and your dog based on your goals. You will work hands-on with the trainer so that you can learn and practice how to train and work with your dog. Sessions are provided at your home or at other dog friendly locations of your choice such as a local park, shopping center, walking trail etc. Sessions are also available at our training studio.
How It works:
Initial Consultation: 90 minutes – Everyone starts here. During the consultation we will cover your goals in detail, create a plan, discuss some helpful tips and start training.
Follow-up Sessions: 1 hour
6 Pack of Sessions: 1 hour each – Packages are NOT a requirement to purchase.
*Rates are listed on the rates page.
We can help with:
- Foundation Training Skills (sit, down, come)
- Engagement and focus
- Life skills- learning to settle at home or in public
- Play Skills
- Impulse Control
- Confidence Building for Shy, Fearful or Anxious Dogs
- Housetraining
- Leash Walking Skills
- Go to place
- Leave it / Drop it
- Being polite with guests and out in public
- Socialization (Intro to new people, dogs, sounds, & places)
- And much more!
Take a look at some of our videos working with clients down below! And visit our social media pages to see more of our work!
Not Local? No Problem!
Anthony works with many clients who are not local.
Meetings can be virtual or at Anthony’s training studio.
Many of his clients come from areas that are out of our in-person service area including Eastern Long Island, New York City, Westchester, Hudson Valley, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
Clients can start out in-person and then choose to work virtually and vice versa to accommodate and reduce travel and to meet the needs of the particular dog and human team.
Inquire to learn more!
A Humane & Fair Approach
Our approach is to teach owners how to guide their dog to success. We do this by providing individual training and/or behavior plans that are customized based on the needs and goals of each dog and owner. All private lessons are one-on-one in the comfort of your home or other location(s) of your choice.
Owners will learn how to:
- Train and work with their dog using reward based training concepts, fun exercises and play
- Change behavior and manage behaviorUnderstand their dog and why their dog does what he or she does
- Develop an enjoyable relationship with their dog
- Set their dog up for success in and out of the home
- Create clear and consistent rules and boundaries
- NOTE: We do not provide quick fix approaches.
Our Philosophy
Training and behavior modification are provided using a variety of methods, mainly focusing on positive reinforcement techniques such as using rewards to reinforce and motivate your dog (food, play, interaction and exploration). Training is generally provided using training concepts, games and play to make it fun and enjoyable for you and your dog. We do not provide quick fix approaches.
We follow the principles of LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive). This gives us the opportunity to meet the dog and owner where they are. The use of LIMA generally starts with using the least intrusive, most positive and humane approach possible for the individual dog. LIMA allows professionals to be objective and critical thinkers who decide when and how to use a variety of training and behavior modification techniques and interventions based on the individual case and situation. Just like with humans, dogs learn, work and are motivated in different ways. LIMA allows us to decide what is the best approach for the dog.
Why is training a dog important?
Training is important because:
- It teaches dog and owners obedience skills, life skills & social skills.
- Helps create a relationship between the dog and owner.
- Sets clear rules & boundaries.
- Helps prevent problem behaviors.
- Teaches owners about their dog and how to work with and manage their dog in specific situations
Training Session Clips
Heel work foundations
with Quest
Front Position
(continued progress)
Collar Grabs
Client Testimonials
“My family and I have been working with Anthony on training our dog Bradley. We have seen outstanding results with his techniques. Anthony is an exceptional trainer and is extremely well informed and up to date on the latest dog training methods.”