Meet Anthony De Marinis
Recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists & Trainers

Certified Dog Behavior Consultant- IAABC
Accredited Dog Trainer- IAABC
Licensed Family Dog Mediator
Fear Free Certified Animal Trainer
A little about me & how I got here.
As a young boy I was fascinated and obsessed with dogs. When my family purchased their first desktop computer, I knew it as a machine that would let me print photo’s of dogs so that I could hang them on the wall in my bedroom. But, my journey really began at the age of thirteen where I got my first job working at a local vet hospital, where I remained until I left to attend college. After I graduated college I knew that I wanted a career that involved dogs. My original plan was to open a dog daycare, and I decided it would be a good idea to learn how to train dogs and truly understand dog behavior if I was going to be responsible for their happiness and welfare as my job.
I started by attending the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Trainers (VSA) where I learned about dog behavior and training. While attending VSA I spent a lot of time shadowing and learning from my mentor who felt I had a real knack for dog training. I enjoyed training and learning about behavior modification so much that I decided to pursue it as a career and pass on my first dream of owning a dog daycare facility.
While on this path I met a dog named Gerber at the local shelter where I was volunteering. Gerber eventually became my dog and quickly taught me what it was like to own a high energy dog with severe reactive and aggressive behavior. He forced me to explore and learn as much as I could about behavior modification so that I could help him. He ended up being my ultimate teacher.
Over the years I have had the pleasure of personally learning from many great dog professionals from different training methodologies in pet training, sports dog training and behavior modification. All of these individuals have influenced my approach and my work, helping me to grow and develop into the professional I am today. I truly enjoy the art of training, working and living with dogs, which is enriched by my enjoyment of understanding the science of dogs, dog behavior and the way dogs learn.
I currently have two Australian Kelpies, Journey and Quest. You can learn about each of them and our adventures together down below.

My Approach
My approach is simple: I train clients’ dogs the way I train my own dogs. In particular, I believe in taking a compassionate and fair approach when training and modifying behavior.
My training and behavior modification approach uses a variety of methods, mainly focusing on positive reinforcement techniques such as using rewards to reinforce and motivate dogs using food, play, interaction and exploration.
I follow the principles of LIMA, which stands for Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive. The principles of LIMA give professionals the opportunity to meet the dog and owner where they are. The use of LIMA generally starts with using the least intrusive approach possible for the individual dog. LIMA allows professionals to be objective and critical thinkers who decide when and how to use a variety of training and behavior modification techniques and interventions based on the individual case and situation. Just like with humans, dogs learn, work and are motivated in different ways. LIMA allows us to decide what is the best approach for each dog.
How I Work
My purpose is to help dog owners and their dogs achieve their goals, while helping to develop and strengthen their relationship. I help owners understand more about their individual dog, identify the root cause of any behavior concerns, and work with owners to create a plan to improve their situation. This plan will involve a range of interventions including training, relationship-building, play skills, behavior modification, as well as creating structure and rules for both the owner and the dog. My training exercises are generally provided through training concepts, games and play so that training is enjoyable for you and your dog. I DO NOT offer quick fix approaches. My plans and strategies are all customized for the individual dog and household.
I enjoy helping dog owners learn to be their dog’s teacher and guide. My approach helps improve the quality of life of both dog and owner and I believe that training and behavior modification should always enhance the relationship between a dog and their family.
My Education
I am a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) and an Accredited Dog Trainer (ADT) by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). I enjoy continuing my education in both training and behavior modification by attending workshops and seminars and by learning hands-on with other training and behavior professionals. I also regularly attend hands-on training classes and workshops with both of my dogs in Agility, Mondio Obedience, Sheep herding and Nose Work.
Current Professional Certifications
- Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) by IAABC
- Accredited Dog Trainer (ADT) by IAABC
- Licensed Family Dog Mediator (LFDM)
- Fear Free Certified Animal Trainer (FFCP)
Continuing Education Experience
- Aggression in Dogs Masters Course by Michael Shikashio
- The Big Dog Behavior Seminar w/ Dr. Chris Pachel
- Defensive Handling & Aggression w/ Michael Shikashio
- Fear Free Animal Trainer Course
- International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants Conference
- Brain to Bite w/ Chirag Patel
- Behavior Adjustment Training 2.0 (BAT)
- Aggression Mentorship Course w/ Michael Shikashio
- Chris Bach’s The Third Way- Level 1 Certification
- Managing Dog to Dog Interactions w/ Sue Sternberg
- Avoiding Dog Play Dangers w/ Sue Sternberg
- Assess-A-Pet Assessments & Canine Body Language w/ Sue Sternberg
- Recallers by Susan Garrett
- Family Paws Parent Education
- IAABC 2020 Behavior Conference
- Aggression In Dogs Conference 2020
- Living & Learning with Animals w/ Dr. Susan Friedman (2021)
L.E.G.S Applied Ethology Family Dog Medication Seminar- Kim Brophy (2021)
- L.E.G.S. In Motion Applied Ethology Conference (2022) Presenter
- Aggression in Dogs Conference (2022)
- Possession Games w/ Ivan Balabanov
- Play & Tug w/ Jay Jack
- Heeling Concepts w/ Forrest Micke
- The Power of Food Training and Play with Micheal Ellis
Take A Look At How I Coach And Teach Clients!
Anthony’s Dogs
In Loving Memory of Gerber
Nicknames: Monkey, Monk, Gerb, Gerbi, Gerbs, Little Gerb
I am a firm believer that everyone comes into our lives for a reason. This includes our beloved pets. This is very true of my dog Gerber. Gerber was a very special dog, with a very special story that is near and dear to me. Gerber had a huge impact on my life and is the biggest reason I specialize in working with dogs who have severe behavior issues and aggression.
At the shelter where I was volunteering, I worked with Gerber for a year before adopting him. Gerber was known as my “love at fifth sight dog” because it took me five times of working with him before I started to actually like him! I still laugh at how I wanted nothing to do with him because he was so difficult. Then one day it became “love at fifth sight.”. I saw how so many people didn’t like him and how judgmental and impatient they were with him. It made me think back to when I was in school and I struggled to learn and process the information being taught to me. Some people gave up while others, like my parents and some special teachers, helped me be successful. I made it a point to visit Gerber and help him every day after work. Over time a special relationship formed. Then when I purchased my home I immediately adopted him and provided him with the home he deserved.

Gerber was not an easy dog to live with. He was my absolute pride and joy, but I learned how owning a dog with severe behavior issues takes a toll on a person and puts limitations on their life. Living with and loving a dog who has behavior issues is one of the most difficult things. As their owner, we are responsible for helping them, teaching them and protecting them. We are responsible for their success. With people, you can reason with them and talk to them, and ultimately you have to allow a person to make their own decisions. This is not the case with dogs, unfortunately.
Gerber was a severe global resource guarder, to the point where it seemed compulsive. He was protective of our home and of me. He was extremely reactive on leash toward dogs and sometimes people. He was also highly predatory toward animals, including dogs and even people in certain situations.
Gerber taught me so much as a trainer and behavior consultant. I use much of what I learned from him in my work today. Gerber pushed me to get out and immerse myself in continuing education courses and certifications in behavior and aggression, which has become my interest and specialty. I am so grateful for the journey Gerber took me on and all the wonderful gifts he gave me. My work with Gerber inspires me and motivates me every single day and as a result, I honor him with the work that I do.
Honoring Gerber: One of the ways I honor Gerber is through my logo. The picture of the dog in my logo is Gerber. (You can tell by the ears!)
Client Testimonials
“I highly recommend Anthony.De Marinis. Not only is he an amazing dog trainer but he is a kind and compassionate person. He came highly recommended by my vet as well. I have a very difficult case with a pup that has some mental health issues. Anthony has been by my side the whole way and my pup has improved so much since we have met.”