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What is Aggressive Behavior in Dogs?

What is Aggressive Behavior in Dogs?

Anthony De Marinis, CBDC, ADT I thought it was finally time to write a blog on what aggressive behavior actually is. After all, it is what I specialize in. Here is a simple guide laying out what aggressive behavior in dogs is. This blog could go on forever (and anyone...
Your Dog Is Aggressive. What Are Your Options?

Your Dog Is Aggressive. What Are Your Options?

By Anthony De Marinis, CDBC, ADT   Living with a dog who displays aggressive behavior is stressful and creates challenges. Dogs may show signs of aggressive behavior from an early age or develop aggressive behavior over time. Sometimes dog owners don’t realize...
Beast Teeth! Puppy Mouthing & Biting Tips

Beast Teeth! Puppy Mouthing & Biting Tips

By Anthony De Marinis, CDBC, ADT Revised 11/28/20 Ouch, my puppy is a beast! Ok, so maybe your puppy isn’t a beast, but your puppy is probably mouthing and biting you and your family. It is probably driving you crazy! The first thing to know is that puppies learn and...